Tuesday 16 December 2014

Short Spiky Hairstyles

Short spiky hairstyles require suitable haircut, color and styling products and short spiky hairstyles offer many varieties of spikes.

If you are the one who wants to know about different types of spiky hair then you can get all information here. The basic thing about getting short spiky hairstyles is to get an 
appropriate short haircut. This haircut depends on what type of spike you want to create. If you want to get liberty spikes all around your head then there is no need to get any haircut but if you want to get Mohawk spikes then you definitely need a short haircut around the sides.
Spiky Short hairstyles 2015 the need a good hair color. Spiky hairstyle is a creative and unique hairstyle so you need to make it creative in all possible ways. It is not obligatory to get a new hair color for short spiky hairstyles especially for liberty spikes because it is the hairstyle itself draws attention. But those who are willing to get their hair color must find out a suitable color.

After you have got a haircut and got your hair colored, it’s the right time to create the style. You need to have styling products such as gel, wax or mousse to style the spikes correctly. There is a variety of such styling products that are made for different hair types. You need to apply styling products to your damp hair and shape them into desired shapes. You cannot create spikes without application of styling gels because these products are meant to hold hair. It is important to take care of your hair so that spikes can be created easily. Thin short fine hair types do not require much styling products as compared to thick hair types. If you don’t feel comfortable with styling gel then there is the choice of using wax or mousse. It is important to find out the hair type to choose and buy right styling products to create short spiky hairstyles.

You can style wet hair more easily as compared to completely dry hair. You must apply gel or wax to hair thoroughly especially the sections where you want to create spikes. No start making shapes with pointed ends. After your hair is dried, you are required to use hairspray for long lasting effect. Usually there is no tool for creation of spikes and fingers are used to make this hairstyle. When you have created the hairstyle 2015, you should avoid touching the spikes because it can leave residue on fingers. It will also affect your styling and strong holding of spikes. There are some spiky hairstyles that have straight hair at the back and sides. You can use a flat iron to get straight hair at back for the perfect blend of spikes and sleek look.There is a wide variety of spikes that can be chosen for your hair type and you can try ne of such styles.